Prospects for growth of distance education in Brazil


  • Fernando Ribeiro Universidade Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado / Universidade Bandeirantes



Distance education, Growth, Statistics


This study aims to present figures that prove the growth of distance education in Brazil, based on data provided by ABRAEAD (Brazilian Statistical Yearbook of Open and Distance Education) and INEP (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira). In its development, it points out that in Brasil, the methodology of distance education began with educational programs broadcast on the radio and the creation of the Basic Education Movement (MEB) that taught young people and adults to read through the radio. Distance education is now considered a method of distributing knowledge, skills and attitudes through electronic means. There is also an opportunity in the market for companies to offer services to meet the notoriously growing demand for skills. The distance education process is based on four stages: planning, development, evaluation and review, which will be detailed in this work. Through the use of inferential statistics and based on data provided by INEP, it was possible to estimate the growth of distance education in the coming years. Finally, perspectives on the future of distance education in Brasil are presented, a modality that, today, still has its own ways of execution, but obeys the general concept of education, which is transformed, as visions and the needs of the world.














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How to Cite

Ribeiro, F. (2022). Prospects for growth of distance education in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(8), 59–70.